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Bespoke Awards and Trophies

2 Products
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Bespoke Medals10 Percent OFF RRP! Bespoke Pin Badges (Min. 100) Custom Pin Badge
Price from: £100.00 personalise_and_buy More Info
Bespoke Medals Bespoke Medals 19mm to 70mm
Price from: £1.45 personalise_and_buy More Info
2 Products

Bespoke Trophy Service

Sometimes you just can't find what you want from available sources and you have to have a superb individual award made to your requirements.

We can help you create a stunning, unique award that expresses everything you want it to and communicates the significance of the achievement of the recipient.

Like we have done for Masterchef, Mastermind, Esure, the BBC and a host of other corporations, we can help you truly recognise success!

Please call or email us to discuss your needs.  That's what we're here for.

Exclusive bespoke trophy designs:

The bespoke trophy service is an exciting new venture offering you a range of carefully crafted trophy designs not available off the shelf.

The bespoke trophies are manufactured from the finest materials using natural woods, glass and highly polished aluminium, all to the highest standards, giving you not just bespoke trophies but contemporary modern pieces of art!

Easy Bespoke Trophy Design Process:

We have worked hard to make the process as easy as possible so a bespoke trophy does not mean months of your time, development and meetings ... all time and money you'd rather spend focusing on other business matters.

So we have a simple 3 step process:

Step 1 : The Brief
Provide us with your approx. budget, logo and general requirements and we will put together a range for you to choose from ... umm that sounds easy!

Step 2 : Artwork & Design Concepts:

We will then provide you with a range of bespoke trophy designs to suit your budget and brief along with a quote ... all this is completely free of charge!

Step 3 : Manufacturing:

Once you have signed off the final bespoke trophy design we will take payment and manufacture your award to the very highest quality standards .... you'll be delighted with your awards and can have peace of mind with our satisfaction guarantee.

Just don't tell anyone it was that easy! You'll want this responsibility every year ... and the praise!

We are here for you and we never forget that.

Ecommerce by Red Hot Penny
Call : 0333 666 0607
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