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Lacrosse Trophies

Lacrosse Trophies

Lacrosse is a team sport of Native American origin played using a small rubber ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick, mainly played in the United States and Canada but by many schools in the UK, particularly Women's lacrosse. It is a contact sport which requires padding though the Women's Lacrosse is meant to be less contact and only face masks and mouth-guards are generally warn. The head of the lacrosse stick is strung with loose mesh designed to catch and hold the lacrosse ball.

Offensively, the objective of the game is to score by shooting the ball into an opponent's goal, using the lacrosse stick to catch, carry, and pass the ball to do so. Defensively, the objective is to keep the opposing team from scoring and to dispossess them of the ball through the use of stick checking and body contact or positioning. The sport has four major types: men's field lacrosse, women's lacrosse, box lacrosse and intercrosse.

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